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A tailor-made coaching program for Rebecca, a Senior Data Analyst


💖 The purpose of The Allyance is to help both companies and candidates: companies wanting to reach excellence in hiring and candidates wanting to find the perfect companies. 

Let’s meet Rebecca Alexander, a Senior Data Analyst who landed a job at FRVR thanks to The Allyance!


  • Who are you? Tell us everything!

👋🏽 My name is Rebecca. I was born in Bombay, India and grew up in Delhi. Since July 2023, I am working as a Senior Data Analyst at FRVR, a free online games company. I was recently voted Newbie of the Year by my colleagues (laughs)!

⭐️ I studied nuclear physics between Delhi and Paris and got my PhD from Ecole Polytechnique and CEA in 2016. During my post-doc at CNRS, I discovered my passion for data analysis and did an online masters alongside my job.

You could say I love to learn: I have 3 Master’s Degrees and a lot of online certifications! After my post-doc, I started working as a data analyst.

📺 Besides my job, I am a big fan of minimalism and being structured in everything I do. Other than that, I love reading, watching tv shows and playing games (which I’m not the best at for the moment!).

  • What was your goal when you reached out to The Allyance?

💎 At the time, I was working in the gaming industry and wanted a bigger challenge, whatever the industry. I was eager to get more responsibilities and increase my experience. I reached out to them and Morgane answered!

  • How did Morgane help you find your current job?

The whole process was really quick: I contacted The Allyance in March and got the offer from FRVR at the beginning of May.

Morgane and I had a bit more than 10 sessions. She first found several Senior Data positions that could correspond to my profile and project. As I got interviews very quickly, we did not spend too much time on LinkedIn and CVs. 

💡 We went right to the point and Morgane helped me a lot to make sure that I knew how to introduce myself in a convincing way. She also made me aware of company cultures and taught me how to detect red and green flags in a company. So many things I had not thought of on my own!

When I got 2 offers, Morgane was always available to answer my questions about legal aspects of French contracts. She also gave me insights on negotiating a salary.

💡 Even today, I think that what I learned during this coaching is still present in my daily job. I always remember Morgane’s instructions, above all that it’s crucial to share the impact of my job.

  • What made the coaching sessions with Morgane unique according to you ?

Well, to be honest, it was my first coaching and I was not sure how it could help… But in the end, I’m really glad I chose The Allyance!

Some coaching programs only consist of documents and pre-recorded videos, but this was obviously not the case with The Allyance. The entire coaching was tailored to my needs.

  • Why do you like working as a Data Analyst?

👩🏽‍💻 At FRVR, we are building the whole data structure from the ground up: it is indeed the biggest challenge I’ve had in my career! It is very rewarding to see how building the whole data pipeline can help the game, support the business, and monthly report our job to C-levels and board members.

🙌🏽 Working as a Senior Data Analyst involves a lot of creative thinking and responsibilities, and it’s exactly what I’m looking for. I can see the results of my work the next day directly with a game test, which is utterly satisfying!

  • Name a well-known person you admire. Tell us why you admire that person!

I would like to say that I feel like everyone’s journey is different and important. I try my best to do things my way and not follow someone blindly.

👏🏽 However, I really admire Indra Nooyi, former head of PepsiCo. She broke a lot of barriers just by being an Indian woman leading a big company.

  • How do you know Morgane? The Allyance?

Morgane knew me before I knew her. While we were working in the same company a while back, we never worked together !

👂🏽 I heard about The Allyance mainly through Caroline and the speeches she gave. I also had seen her in the meetups she organized (WiMLDS Paris).


A few words from Morgane, Sourcing & Recruitment expert: 

“✨ Rebecca’s personal growth through our coaching session makes me proud. It has been a privilege to advise her. Each coaching session displayed significant evolutions and I am happy to read she is happy at FRVR. Rebecca deserves to work alognside people who value her skills and personality.

✔️ Want more?

➡️ If you are interested in knowing more about The Allyance Coaching Offer and the prices, feel free to read this complete piece on the matter or read the feedback from our coachees! You can also get in touch with The Allyance team and book a free conversation below.



✒️ Léa C, The Allyance Contributor: “I joined The Allyance after Caroline and I met at a ionnalee’s concert! I am a freelance translator and content writer (French, English, Spanish and German). I also work as an administrative employee in the health and data science sector. So, I am not far from Caroline’s core topic! I am very active as a volunteer in social and environmental NGOs, where I always try to put intersectionality at the center of actions because I am convinced that every cause is linked to one another. It is readily apparent that Caroline and I share a lot of common interests, which is why we as friends decided to work together!”