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How we helped "Believe" leverage their employer branding to attract diverse Tech talent


💖 The purpose of The Allyance is to help both companies and candidates: companies wanting to reach excellence in hiring and candidates wanting to find the perfect companies. 

➡️ Let’s meet Yaël and understand how The Allyance worked together to create a roadmap with conferences, events and tech communities that would make Believe an attractive employer.

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🔗 DIVERSITY IN ACTION N°15 - Yaël Chiara

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  • Who are you? Tell us everything!

👋 My name is Yaël Chiara, I live between Nice and Paris and I have two kids. 

Everything about my education was about foreign languages. I studied Applied Foreign Languages, did my Erasmus in Sevilla, lived in London and Belgium. I trained in marketing and communication on the go, during jobs in international companies: I organized events, conferences, worked in brand content and management…

🎶 Music is also a big part of my career as I have worked at Midem, but also labels such as EMI, Sony, Pias and Idol. Since 2020, I am Group External Communication Director at Believe, a global digital music company which provides digital solutions for artists and labels at all stages of their career. We serve 1 million artists directly or through their labels.

Tech came a bit later, when my son was doing his piscine at École 42. That’s also when I came across Caroline’s work.

In parallel, I co-founded shesaid.so France, a network of women in the musical industry counting 4000 members today. Our mission is to network, and promote female creators and music industry experts, break both society's glass ceiling and the limits we set for ourselves. 🚀

Other than that, I happen to love yoga and meditation so much that I trained to be a teacher! 🙌

  • How would you convince someone to join Believe?

✨ At Believe, you get to learn something new every day: never bored, always challenged!
I like to say that the unit of time is specific to Believe. It can be intense but you’ll always feel that you’re at the core of the music industry transformation.

Denis Ladegaillerie, our CEO and founder, is inspiring like only few others are. His vision of the future of music industry is unique and he has the trust of the 600 people at Believe!

When he launched Believe in 2005, Myspace was the new place to be, Spotify and Deezer did not exist, and the digital music market share was marginal. compared to what it is in 2023. He just believed (laughs) he would swim in the blue ocean while all the key players were fighting against piracy.  

👉 Our mission is to help artists and labels, at all stages of their development and across all music genres in the digital world. We shape our tools to be the most relevant for them.

  • Is Diversity & Inclusion an important topic at Believe? How do you make sure the company is an inclusive workplace, supportive of underrepresented groups?

🗣 We want to make sure that Believe is embodied by diverse people, whether it’s about communication or the artists we represent. 

To be able to achieve that, we fixed ourselves an obligation of means. In 2022, we scored 99/100 on the French Parity Index and we aim to go further: in a diverse and transparent music industry, everyone's a winner. Today, 54% of the Executive Committee are women. Our objective for 2023 is to have 46% women and 54% men throughout the Group. 👏

Believe has a few partnerships in the promotion of women artists. We’re participating in Spotify’s EQUAL Music Program aiming to amplify the work of women creators, sponsoring a study called Be The Change about women in the music industry, and taking part in the PRS Foundation’s KeyChange program, notably through Andreea Gleeson, CEO of TuneCore, member of Believe.

  • How did the collaboration with The Allyance go?

✔️ Very, very well! I felt like I was embarking on the tech universe in a caring and professional way.

Our main concerns at the communication department were to make our technical stack visible and attract tech people to Believe, including women. Caroline spent one day at Believe and led interviews with employees in order to better understand their challenges. ⚙️

She also helped me to better understand what’s at stake in the tech sector as well as its codes: it unlocked something for me and I was so excited to dig deeper! We discussed the best way to introduce Believe, the things we wanted to put in the spotlight on our recruitment platforms, how we should approach schools… 

📝 We drafted a roadmap with conferences, events and communities that could help Believe to become an attractive employer.

  • What did this audit change at Believe and in your way of working?

This collaboration was a delight and a true necessity. We needed training in tech recruitment to help define our positioning. 💪

On a more individual level, I learned so much about the tech sector, which I did not know anything about before. It was complex but so emancipating to discover this whole new ecosystem and its specificities.

🔥 I also discovered the work of amazing people like Guillaume Grillat from Leboncoin, who inspired me so much!

  • How did you hear about The Allyance?

👀 I recruited one of Caroline’s close friends, Manon Jessua, in my team, as well as someone from Criteo

Then, I got curious and watched her TedX: that’s when I knew that she would be perfect to address my “women and tech” topics!

  • Would you recommend other companies to work with The Allyance? Why?

To be frank, I would even apply to The Allyance (laughs)! 😎

They’re all about true values, commitment and congruence. Caroline is authentic, caring, serious and open. She’s always welcoming, whatever the difficulties. 

We need purpose and that’s what The Allyance is giving!



A few words from Caroline, The Allyance CEO: 

"Spending time with Yaël was a blast. I felt her passion and strong interest to make sure Believe was a well identified company for candidates. I am proud of the content The Allyance built for her and know Yaël will make the best of it with her coworkers and teams."

✔️ Want more?

If you are interested in knowing more about The Allyance trainings, feel free to get in touch with us.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: ✒️ Léa C, The Allyance Contributor:

“I joined The Allyance after Caroline and I met at a ionnalee’s concert! I am a freelance translator and content writer (French, English, Spanish and German). I also work as an administrative employee in the health and data science sector. So, I am not far from Caroline’s core topic! I am very active as a volunteer in social and environmental NGOs, where I always try to put intersectionality at the center of actions because I am convinced that every cause is linked to one another. It is readily apparent that Caroline and I share a lot of common interests, which is why we as friends decided to work together!”