“The Allyance really taught me how to make an impression and I’m grateful for that. Plus, The Allyance really helped me access their network, which I did not have at all after moving from a foreign country!” Meet Nicole, the best Irish software engineer in Paris.
Read More“Caroline s’est parfaitement adaptée à cette configuration. On a pu s’accorder sur la méthodologie à suivre et les profils recherchés.” Découvrez comment le CTO de Karos recrute pour ses équipes grâce à la méthodologie de The Allyance !
Read MoreOne year after founding Defacto, with a team of 10, the company started to hire (again) in the engineering team. Among 150-200 interviewees, only 5 of them were women… That’s when they contacted The Allyance, because we were clearly lacking a feminine side in our team. Meet Defacto's CTO, Marco.
Read MoreThe Allyance présente une ingénieure d’exception : Anaël. Elle a contacté The Allyance pour préparer ses entretiens d’embauche et sélectionner l’entreprise dans laquelle elle travaille aujourd’hui, Alan. Elle raconte comment le coaching lui a donné confiance en elle pour naviguer à travers les différents processus de recrutement.
Read MoreLéa, notre plume, suit le travail de Jennifer Padjemi avec ferveur. Après avoir recommandé son dernier ouvrage dans nos recommandations lecture, c’est tout naturellement qu’elle a souhaité l’interviewer. Le résultat : un entretien fascinant sur le corps, les représentations, les discriminations, le monde du travail et la tech.
Read MoreYann, CTO, a contacté The Allyance pour l’aider à construire des équipes tech et produit diverses. Il explique à quel point la collaboration s’est faite de manière extrêmement fluide ! 🔍 Il révèle également que lors de cet accompagnement, The Allyance lesa conseillé·es sur leur stratégie de recrutement.
Read MorePhotoRoom trusted The Allyance to lead a diversity audit. They explain how they embarked their entire workforce on an inclusion journey with actionable tips. We hope you will be inspired by their actions.
Read MorePassionné d’informatique, admirateur de Margaret Hamilton, Eric a décroché un poste de Senior Site Reliability Engineer chez Resilience grâce à The Allyance. Eric partage de précieux conseils pour faire de veille technique et nous parle de sa rencontre avec The Allyance.
Read MoreWomen are massively underrepresented when it comes to CTO and VP positions. Yet, some talented women are leading the way. We sat down with Evelyne Notton to reflect on Tech Rocks, her background and challenges faced by the tech industry.
Read MoreAprès plusieurs années passées à l’étranger, Cédric Sinig a trouvé un poste de Senior Fullstack Engineer en télétravail à 100% et une entreprise bienveillante grâce à The Allyance. Le coaching dont a bénéficié Cédric a été intégralement gratuit et il nous dit tout…
Read MoreBelody Luo joins force The Allyance as Client Partner for Executive search & leadership advisory. She is going to support The Allyance’s efforts to work on Leadership recruitment to empower companis to reach their DEI goals.
Antoine recounts his collaboration with The Allyance and how Morgane helped his team diversify Payfit’s software engineering pipeline. “I loved the personalized approach, the expertise and the human aspect of their work. Morgane raised the bar for my team. Thanks to her, we went past awareness and led tangible and impacting actions.”
Read MoreFrom working in Marketing at Microsoft to taking a trip around the world to find her calling, Abeba’s journey to Tech is definitely unique! Come read her story and how, thanks to The Allyance, she became a Confirmed Front-End Engineer at Leboncoin 🙌
Read MoreYaël Chiara, from Believe, reached out to The Allyance to help boost and improve their employer branding to under-represented groups and communities in Tech, to attract and hire more diverse people in their team. “We discussed the best way to introduce Believe, the things we wanted to put in the spotlight on our recruitment platforms, how we should approach schools… “
Read MoreRencontre avec un CTO d’exception: Nicolas Helleringer. Il explique comment The Allyance l’a aidé à recruter plusieurs membres de son équipe R&D pour construire Resilience. L’organisation est née d'une urgence : celle de mettre fin aux inégalités d'accès à la médecine, pour les personnes atteintes de cancer. Cette urgence s'est muée en une ambition : réinventer la façon de soigner le cancer.
Read MoreWhile looking for a DevRel, The Allyance realized the DevRel world was predominantly male. Indeed, women are underrepresented in the Development Adovacy world. Hence, we wanted to interview an inspiring Developer Evengelist and we are happy Valériane answered positively to our request!
Read MoreHow to function with executive disfunction at work? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a constant search to compensate for a lack of dopamine for individuals who are concerned. In this interview, Marie Barriquand opens up about her very own journey finding out her diagnosis and how she deals with it at work.
Read MoreBettina Reveyron and Natacha Niox-Chateau from Doctolib trusted The Allyance to deliver trainings on unconscious biases to Doctolibers : “We immediately got along with Caroline on a personal level. She also displayed an in-depth knowledge of the tech world and had worked with international companies.”
Read More➡️ Laura Rapp works in Human Resources at Warner Bros. Discovery. She was eager to follow the lead of the parent company on diversity and inclusion at the local level and made sure her staff got training sessions customized to their needs. The Allyance supported her.
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