“Caroline s’est parfaitement adaptée à cette configuration. On a pu s’accorder sur la méthodologie à suivre et les profils recherchés.” Découvrez comment le CTO de Karos recrute pour ses équipes grâce à la méthodologie de The Allyance !
Read MoreOne year after founding Defacto, with a team of 10, the company started to hire (again) in the engineering team. Among 150-200 interviewees, only 5 of them were women… That’s when they contacted The Allyance, because we were clearly lacking a feminine side in our team. Meet Defacto's CTO, Marco.
Read MoreYann, CTO, a contacté The Allyance pour l’aider à construire des équipes tech et produit diverses. Il explique à quel point la collaboration s’est faite de manière extrêmement fluide ! 🔍 Il révèle également que lors de cet accompagnement, The Allyance lesa conseillé·es sur leur stratégie de recrutement.
Read MoreBelody Luo joins force The Allyance as Client Partner for Executive search & leadership advisory. She is going to support The Allyance’s efforts to work on Leadership recruitment to empower companis to reach their DEI goals.
Antoine recounts his collaboration with The Allyance and how Morgane helped his team diversify Payfit’s software engineering pipeline. “I loved the personalized approach, the expertise and the human aspect of their work. Morgane raised the bar for my team. Thanks to her, we went past awareness and led tangible and impacting actions.”
Read MoreIn 2020, Sami Touil asked The Allyance to deliver two training sessions on diversity sourcing to his team. Following the trainings, 42% of the engineers we recruited come from underrepresented groups and 55% of the hires for the product and design teams.
Read More➡️ Let’s meet Damien Hié-Coloby, Senior Talent Manager at Alan! He partnered with The Allyance to diversify an engineering candidate pipeline. He loves martial arts and fight against unconscious biases!
Read MoreIn addition to offering an “Unconscious Biases” training, The Allyance is partnering with companies willing to engage more diverse candidates via creative sourcing techniques.
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