As 2022 is finally around the corner, we would like to take a moment to share and celebrate our 2021 success and achievements 🚀 56% of the people we coached are women and 60% of the tech people we hired were women!
Read More☀️ Diana Meneses Gustin was looking for a Data Scientist role such as Ranajoy Banerji (do you remember?) when she started coaching sessions with Caroline Chavier. The result? Diana is now a Data Scientist at
Read More🙌 When Marie-Rose Tripault reached out to The Allyance, she was looking for a new Product role. Marie-Rose met Caroline Chavier online and they started coaching sessions together. The result? Marie-Rose is now Head of Product at triPica.
Read MoreThe Allyance delivered 2 training sessions at leboncoin, about Diversity Sourcing and Unconscious Biases. ➡️ Let’s meet Emmanuelle Pierre, a passionate Talent Acquisition Specialist, dedicated to make diversity and inclusion a reality! Discover what tools and methods the teams are still using today!
Read More🌈 In May 2021, MongoDB reached out and asked The Allyance to deliver a LGBTQIA+ inclusion training. Members from the Queer Collective group at MongoDB wanted to empower their employees on the topic, so The Allyance gave an introduction on how to better integrate LGBTQIA+ people in the workplace!
Read MoreThe Allyance a organisé son deuxième webinaire sur la thématique : “Quand dire, c’est faire: comment parle-t-on des LGBTI (et pourquoi c’est important) ?” ✔️ Nous partageons les ressources partagées par Ingrid Therwath sur le sujet afin de faciliter la compréhension de ce sujet au travail.
Read More"Comment défendre et valoriser l’adaptation au changement quand on ne s’en montre pas capable en pratique auprès de ses employées ?" Retour sur l’interview de notre fondatrice pour Alan, au sujet de l’impact sous-estimé de la ménopause sur la performance et la diversité au travail.
Read More🎉 En mai dernier, The Allyance a réalisé des sessions de coaching professionnel gratuites auprès de membres de l’association Afrogameuses. En tant qu’expert en diversité et inclusion, The Allyance a à cœur d’adopter une démarche intersectionnelle dans ses actions.
Read MoreOnce upon a time, The Allyance coached Marion Kamoike-Bouguet who got hired by Strapi. This first collaboration turned into a fruitful partnership. The Allyance has been working hand in hand with the company to hire engineers and train their interviewers. Let’s meet Aurélien Georget, Strapi’s Chief Product Officer!
Read MoreThe Allyance a organisé son premier webinaire sur la thématique : “Comment accompagner une transition de genre au travail ?” ✔️ Nous avons informé les entreprises, les managers, les RH et les collaborateur·ice·s pour les équiper à accompagner une transition de genre au travail.
Read MoreDepuis plusieurs années, Gabrielle Deydier travaille sur la grossophobie et a largement contribué à faire connaître cette discrimination. En 2017, Gabrielle a écrit “On ne naît pas grosse”. Aujourd’hui, Gabrielle répond à 10 questions pour The Allyance!
Read MoreDepuis 2004, une semaine de prévention dédiée à l’endométriose se déroule en Europe au mois de mars. Cette maladie chronique touche 10% de femmes en âge de procréer en France.
Read MoreAïssata Koité is a woman to follow. Her devotion to help people who want to join the tech industry is inspiring! ➡️ Let’s meet Aïssata and understand her CEO position at HelloAda and
Read MoreIn addition to offering an “Unconscious Biases” training, The Allyance is partnering with companies willing to engage more diverse candidates via creative sourcing techniques.
Read More🎸 While The Allyance is working on a diversity audit to empower Sqreen, we want to put Alison Eastaway in the spotlight. She is not your typical HR Director / VP People. And, you know what? We love it!
Read MoreIf D&I must be a priority to everyone in an organisation, the Talent Acquisition (TA) team is the entry point of every future employee.
Read MoreToday, we want to highlight the background of Guillaume Grillat! Guillaume has an unique job! He is currently leboncoin Tech Community Ambassador. His work is instrumental to connect communities from inside and outside the company. 🤙 We chose to interview Guillaume because he is a true diversity ally and advocate. His energy and passion are endless.